It is essential that both NEP+ and Wisdom Consult have a common understanding of the objectives of the assignment and the expected outcome. On the commencement of the assignment, the Wisdom Consult team leader and the international consultant met with Finance and Administration Manager of NEP+ to discuss, clarify and agree on the objectives of the assignment. During the meeting, we aimed to:
Data Collection
Document Review
Relevant documents and records of NEP+, including: Strategic Plan Document (2016-2020), Bylaw, Current Organizational Structure, Policy and Procedure Manual and relevant reports were reviewed.
Interview and Discussion
To have understanding of their view, using the guiding questionnaire prepared for the purpose, individual interviews and focus group discussions (FGD) were made with NEP+ Acting Executive Director (ED), Department Managers and representative staff of NEP+. The consultant also conducted FGD with the GA and Board of management members, two regional networks (Oromia and Amhara) and one City Administration (Dire Dawa).
Data Analysis
Once the required information has been collected the Consultant conducted detail review and analysis and developed this report.