Need for Reviewing the Organizational
The need for the review of the organization was generated by a program review and subsequently the issue of a management letter by the Global Fund. Technical Assistance was therefore sought, through GIZ, for this exercise.
The current organizational structure of NEP+ was developed in 2011 (see Chart 1). The Board of Management of NEP+ has made some changes in the structure. Resource Mobilization was under the Program Department at officer level and was promoted to Department level and made responsible to the ED. The Internal Auditor was promoted to department level and later on degraded to Coordinator level.
Over the last 6years NEP+ has:
- Grown both in numbers of programs, financial source and in number of staff. The growth that occurred after the design of the structure has raised the need for the review of the organizational structure to accommodate the change.
- One of the main donors of NEP+, the Global Fund has recommended the organization to review its governance and the independence of the internal audit function and its ability to provide a transparent and accountable environment to achieve its institutional mandate and grant objectives.
- NEP+ has developed five years strategic plan for the period 2016-2020. To implement the new strategic plan it is essential to review of the organizational structure and systems of the network.
In line with the above, the Board of Directors of NEP+ made a resolution to engage independent consultant to conduct an assessment and review NEP+’s working manuals, code of contact and bylaws.
Review of the Existing Structure
Findings from the organizational capacity assessment (document review, FGD and interviews held with GA and Board members, Regional Networks, staff and management of NEP+ are summarized below:
- Effective in implementing its planned activities;
- Has good relationship with regional Networks
- Provides to the Networks professional training refresher courses, orientations for project implementation and skills up grading.
- Flow of information and communicated is smooth.
- Has operational policy and procedures manuals, although they were not updated periodically
- Good relationship with the government, donor & other stakeholders
- No budget constraint to execute approved work plans.
- Interference of board on various internal NEP+ programmatic, administrative, and governance issues without sufficient study (the Board has modified the structure several times, without the knowledge of the organization, the position of the auditor was upgraded to department level. There was also a case where a board member interfered resource allocation in one regional network).
- Frequent changes in NEP+’s leadership (Executive Directors). The leadership is not strong to take appropriate actions when irregularities occur in the organization
- Work environment is not conducive
- No staff development program in place
- Leakage of office confidentiality
- The ED has high work load
- Weakness in developing global & local resource mobilization strategies. Over the last 3 years the revenue of the organization had irregularities
- Limitations in conducting regular and supportive supervision and reaching to all constituents. There is also duplication of work (the M&E from NEP+ and Regional Network go to the same field simultaneously
- Weak documentation of good practices.
- Although the organization mobilizes big resources, procurement is done by a driver
- There is no career structure
- The government policy is favorable for NEP+.
- Government is committed to support NEP+;
- Existence of policies and legislation related to HIV/AIDS
- Some donors are still ready to provide fund for NEP+ to fight HIV;
- NEP+ has community acceptance.
- Global perspective towards HIV is decreasing. There are less donors now. There is budget cut by donors for fighting HIV;
- Government role infighting HIV not intensive;
- Number of new HIV positives is growing.