167 case managers, working in the Oromoia region health facilities took ART case management refreshment training for four consecutive days in Adama town.
The training incorporated the new ART drug features that began for use to PLHIVs in the previous six months, told during the training closing remark.

The closing remark was made in the presence of NEP+ Board Chairman, Ato Edilam G/silasse. Before he forwarded his closing speech, the trainees’ representatives explained their challenges that faced them while they were on duty.
The representatives explained that they are often in difficulty while they record clients’ profile as they use different log book format that came from different partners. The dissimilarity of CDC’s and other partners log book was mentioned by the trainees.
The trainees have also disclosed their complain that the discrimination by some health facilities’ administrations. According to them some health facility administrators do not consider case managers equally with other health facilities’ staff. Due to this malfunctions case manager do not get gown, hygiene materials like soap and soft papers.
The case managers have also put forwarded other salary and benefit related administration problems to the high level NEP+ officials.
Ato Edilam G/silasse , NEP+ Board Chairman, after the complaint presentation appreciating the case managers as they still working under these all pressure with their great endurance. “This shows that you are committed to save others live,” Ato Edlam said. “The survival of you (case managers) means the survival of hundred thousands of PLHIVs “ Ato Edilam added.

Ato Edilam G/silasse
NEP+ Board Chairman
He also assured them that all the problem mentioned by the trainees will be solved step by step.
Earlier to Ato Edlam, NEP+ Executive Director Ato Mekonnen Alem also assured the case managers that NEP+ has always strived for their healthy working environment. He also said that so far some discussions were also held with regional health bureaus officials to avoid malfunctions occurred in the health facilities against case managers. “This trend will be also continued in 2020 planning year with full enthusiasm,” Ato Mekonnen assured the case managers.

Ato Mekonnen Alemu
NEP+ Executive Director
Ato Diku worku , NEP+ Program Manager, on his behalf said regarding log book dissimilarity NEP+ will hold a discussion with all government and non government actors to keep the uniformity of the log sheets.

Ato Dinku Worku
NEP+ Program Manager
He also underlined similar refreshment training is important in a yearly base as it enables the case managers to have up to date knowledge about what they are doing. As a result of this case managers can provide comprehensive and effective service to their clients, Ato Dinku added.